45€ Free in cinemas and restaurants

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Let's see how to get € 45 free in cinemas and restaurants

Today I bring you a super trick I've found and I will take you to dinner tomorrow:

  1. I downloaded the mobile app Fever
  2. He ido a “Profile” and I pressed on “Discount Codes”
  3. Once inside I pressed in the circle and I have introduced these codes that I found on the Internet: JUDITHT2, TRESDIAS, EARTHQUAKE, MOLASMUCHO, BONUSFEB and CINE.
  4. If all went well you should have about 50 € in the account ready to redeem plans app – At the moment there is only coupons for Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla, Malaga and New York (if you're not in town, also came to do and if you spend some money)


¿Que es Fever App?

THE CITY IS GREAT. Stop hiding. Revolutionizes the way you do your plans. Get benefits and discover the best events in your city.

*Available in Madrid, Barcelona y New York. We will open new cities soon!. If you want Fever is available in your city, ¡Haznoslo know!

What are you doing tonight?

Fever discover a list of the plans to the ones you like to go, customized for you. The best companion for leisure in the palm of your hand.

Why Fever?

Our experts create a list, every week, more than 100 the best concerts, fiestas, Movies, restaurants and more. The you'll enjoy solo 2 clicks!

Want more?

• Custom List according to your interests, and the interactions of people who follow.
• Do not wait. Purchases and reservation in a single click.
• Do not waste paper. Forget print your tickets. We'll send you everything you need from your mobile.
• guarantee the best price and / or a better deal than the rest of ticketing platforms.

We create a limited list of events, just for you, choosing from among the hundreds of events available each day. You can find:

• Restaurants and gastronomy (wine tastings, gourmet sites, etc.)
• Clubs (clubs, ready, DJ’s, etc.)
• Concerts (festivals, garitos underground, jam sessions, etc.)
• Art (museums, gallery, exhibitions, inaugurations, fairs, etc.)
• Fashion (pop-up stores, Gateways, parades, etc.)
• Areas (Malasaña, Chueca, University, Opera, Bilbao, etc.)
• Other surprises as charity auctions or movie previews.

What are you waiting for? Do not stay more at home and forget the plans provided.

Once you've done, Shares this trick on your social networks! it's not much, but will allow you to make any plans for free.

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