Buy several flights and save with Air Europa

Compra varios vuelos y ahorra con Air Europa

One of the ways to travel more and pay less than combine several trips on the same ticket . Let's see how we can save money by booking in Air Europa Several flights.

First we have to find rates Air Europa (generally they exclude periods such as Christmas or August) cheaper. We use ITA Matrix dates to view the best prices. You can place + -2 days or advanced routing codes UX + to search only Air Europa.

On another occasion we saw British Airways You could do something like: Buy several and save with BA flights

First look at the google search Matrix ITA and when we go to dates Residente Lastminute to buy tickets and issue tickets ITA Matrix serves only to search


  1. Madrid-Miami 09 of March
  2. Miami-Madrid 16 of March
  3. Madrid-Santo Domingo 19 of May
  4. Santo Domingo-Madrid 28 of May dates are just one example, others are possible

Each transatlantic flight you complete € 263.58!

UPDATED Another example:

  1. Madrid (Ida: March 16, 2015)
  2. Miami (Return: 23 March 2015)
  3. Madrid (Ida: April 2, 2015)
  4. Salvador (Return: 14 April 2015) the four trips € 586,23 see e.g.

As source Madrid, but may in other Spanish cities where it flies Air Europa also has good price, it's just to look. (Without looking much the same dates ranging over 600 € from Bilbao, Málaga, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Valencia …)

Remember that Air Europa flies among other places: Miami, Santo Domingo, Punta Cana, Havana, Cancun, Mexico, Lima, Buenos Aires, Salvador, New York …

If you're lucky enough to split into two parts poderte holidays can be a good idea to do something. And They came to US. Remember it is very advisable to travel insured, You can make a free travel insurance budget with a 5% discount here


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